The API for data harmonisation and federation in personalised medicine
Cohort API
Our solution is one of a kind, eliminating the need to transform data locally. Create your SQL query for patient cohorts according to OMOP and instantly harmonise data from heterogeneous sources.
Our ML algorithm automates with a human-in-the-loop and streamlines the process from months to minutes on a query-by-query basis. Once harmonised used your data instantly between biobanks, internal datasets and proprietary datasets.
Cohort API
Our solution is one of a kind, eliminating the need to transform data locally. Create your SQL query for patient cohorts according to OMOP and instantly harmonise data from heterogeneous sources.
Our ML algorithm automates with a human-in-the-loop and streamlines the process from months to minutes on a query-by-query basis. Once harmonised used your data instantly between biobanks, internal datasets and proprietary datasets.
Connecting the dots
Create the largest decentralised patient cohorts for accurate stratification. Ensure you have the right participants for drug discovery, developing diagnostics, and clinical trials & development.
The data stays protected while ensuring your workflows can run federated and synchronously across it for GWAS, ML and custom bioinformatics workflows.
Tracing backwards, leaping forwards
Create your unified and future-proof multi-omics data layer leveraging insights from genomic population-scale datasets to bespoke proteome and RNA studies.
As your team and data need scale, our capabilities scale with you to identify and leverage novel drug targets on an unprecedented level.
The future of personalised medicine allows for a more direct understanding of disease mechanisms at the functional level using traditional or reverse protein to genome mapping.
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